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The Secret to Achieving More

Hi everyone, it’s Craig Doescher here.

Today we have a guest blogger, Catherine Juon of EOS Worldwide. Over the past couple of years, we have become raving fans of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). It has been a perfect solution for literally hundreds of thousands of companies around the world looking to take their businesses to the next level. 

I’ve been personally involved in two EOS implementations over the past year, and have close knowledge of many more that have gone equally well. 

Created by Gino Wickman, I was drawn to EOS after reading his famous book, Traction. The word “traction” really does sum up exactly what makes EOS different from all other leadership and management systems. EOS aligns your team, propelling you forward, towards a common goal in a very intentional way. 

Simply put, EOS actually gets results.

Catherine is an EOS implementer who facilitates a leadership team through the process of becoming an EOS company. Having personally worked with her on multiple implementations, I recommend her highly.

Does Your Organization Have People? 

Is your team reading from the same page, or book for that matter?

That may sound like a silly question, or a frustrating one, depending on where you’re sitting. You might wish you had more people. Or different people. Or people that would just (fill in the blank).

Here’s another question: Thinking about all of your people, are they all on the same page?

Are they completely, 100% in alignment with the vision and the plan to achieve your goals?

If that’s not the case, no worries - that’s normal.

It means you’re in the good company of other highly successful entrepreneurs who created a great business out of sheer force of will and hard work. At some point, many of those entrepreneurs “hit the ceiling” and struggle to get what they want. (I get it - I was one of them.)

You may find yourself frustrated about scaling beyond what you can personally do or wanting to take a vacation without worrying about the plant burning down while you’re gone, or simply want to leave at 3 to coach your child’s sports team.

And you’re wondering, how to build a team that shoulders the load with the same discipline and accountability that you bring to the table?

The Secret To An Impactful Team

The secret to getting more out of your people (and getting all of your people to be the right people), is “simply” creating alignment in your organization. 

When your entire organization has crystal clarity about where you are going and what the plan is to get there - magic happens. Or at least it can feel like magic!  Where you once had a well-meaning but less-than-effective team, you’ll see people bringing your vision down to the ground, executing that vision with discipline and accountability everywhere you look throughout your organization.

Creating Alignment in Your Organization

While every organization has a vision, few are truly in alignment. For example, imagine we interviewed all of your employees (or board members, or volunteers) today. Odds are, we’d hear a similar vision, but not the SAME vision. 

On the other hand, if you interview employees running on a business operating system called Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS), chances are you’ll hear very common language around:

  • Core Values - What it takes for people to fit your organization like a glove

  • Core Focus - The intersection of what you love to do and are best at, helping your organization stay focused on its sweet spot and staying away from shiny stuff

  • 10-Year Target - Your big, hairy, audacious, long-term goal

  • 3-Year Picture - What your shorter-term horizon looks like, feels like, etc.

  • Marketing Strategy - Who your ideal target market is, focusing your precious time, money and energy on the prospects that are both most likely to convert and most profitable

As Gino Wickman, author of the book Traction and the creator of EOS says, “At its core, EOS is all about aligning human energy.” And once you get all of the humans in your organization rowing in the same direction, that’s when everything changes - in a good way.

Honoring Who You Are at Your Core

The truth is every organization is unique. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to solve every problem. That said, EOS comes close! EOS provides a common framework of simple, practical tools that you can implement to create alignment, discipline, and accountability in your organization.

What I love most about helping organizations of all kinds (including one particularly close to my heart–an orphanage in South Africa!) to implement EOS is seeing the difference it makes in the lives of all involved.  

And with over 100,000 companies Running on EOS™, there’s now a wealth of experience for you to tap into to learn more, including podcasts, books, and even a quick “checkup” you can take to measure the alignment of your organization.

If you’d like to receive a copy of any of the EOS books, like Traction or Get a Grip, let me or anyone on the Doescher Group team know and we’ll get you taken care of. 

Here’s to your EOS Life!

We hope you enjoyed Catherine’s article. In our experience, you can feel it when you walk into an EOS company. It’s just different. This difference is an aligned organization that’s going in the right direction. 

With EOS, your company will be more fun to own, and when the day comes much easier to sell. I don’t know if EOS Worldwide has any statistical data available, but I can guarantee you the data would show that EOS companies sell at a premium to similar firms without EOS. Probably a substantial one.