
Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher

Trust Your Gut or Listen to Reason? Two Moments as a Business Owner When You Should Disregard Your Own Instincts

As an entrepreneur, you probably got where you are based on a combination of hard work, passion, and trusting yourself. You had to rely on your gut and your instincts to make brilliant choices. 

But there are two moments in your entrepreneurial journey where those very things can be your downfall, and they both have to do with keeping the right key performers on your team.

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Tips Tricks + Strategy Sandy Esraeil Tips Tricks + Strategy Sandy Esraeil

Multiplying Hours in the Day: One Business Owner’s Journey

Are you a busy entrepreneur drowning in a sea of administrative tasks? You're not alone. One business owner found themselves working late nights and sacrificing precious family time. But by making a strategic decision to delegate, they reclaimed their time and supercharged their business. Learn how they did it and discover 10 ways you can too.

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Evolve Ryan Scheidemantel Evolve Ryan Scheidemantel

Why You Need a CRM Tool

Overall, if your business is growing and sales are coming in, you have a feeling that your sales team is performing well. If you’re getting new inquiries, you probably have a sense that your marketing efforts are working. Without a CRM in place, the owner will be mostly leading their salesperson off of how things feel, rather than based on reality. With a CRM, key metrics will be defined that allow leaders to point their teams in the right direction of the actions that lead to new business.

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Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher

Slow Down to Speed Up

Do you ever feel like a hamster frantically running around a cage? You're doing all kinds of tasks from sunup to sundown, but at the end of the day, you feel like you’ve made absolutely zero progress. Are you Bill Murray living in Groundhog Day? Is it a new day, but the same old problems? If this sounds like your daily reality, this article is for you. While it may sound counterintuitive, I’ve found that the best way to speed up in life is to first slow down.

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Exit Team Craig Doescher Exit Team Craig Doescher

The Emotional Side of Exiting Your Business

Being a business owner is an intense and unique experience, filled with both triumphs and challenges. As you consider exiting your business, it’s crucial to address the emotional side of this transition. Discover strategies for managing your feelings, envisioning your future, and finding support during this significant life change.

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Exit Team Craig Doescher Exit Team Craig Doescher

Dare to Be Different: Take Your Exit Plan Seriously (A Message to Baby Boomer Business Owners)

As a Baby Boomer business owner, you suddenly find yourself facing decisions that once seemed impossibly far down the road. You probably never sat down and proactively planned your own exit from the company you worked so hard to create. Too many baby boomer business owners are losing out on millions in potential exit proceeds from being well prepared to sell.

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Ryan Scheidemantel Ryan Scheidemantel

The War of Art

Whether we believe it or not, we are all creative at heart. We are all capable of creating things that are unique to who we are and what we love to do.

What does a book about the battles of the creative process have to do with my company?

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Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher

Why Business Owners Should Push Their Limits Every Once in Awhile

I’ve watched some business owners become comfortable with what they’ve built and become complacent and uninspired.

If you can find ways to continue to stretch your mind, body, and spirit, it will translate into every facet of your life.

Sometimes the best way to feel alive and to stimulate creativity and what makes us human is to feel a little scared. When we sense that risk, it brings a focus that is often lost in the distraction of our technology-infused world.

And so my challenge to you is…

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Exit Team Craig Doescher Exit Team Craig Doescher

Data v. Information

Many of the brightest visionaries and business owners I know have gotten to where they are on pure grit, intuition, and hard work. However, the time comes when they are ready to reach even higher heights, and leveraging data into information can supercharge the journey. 

Shifting from collecting under explored data to arming you and your business with this predictive information empowers you to tweak your business operations in real-time rather than waiting for next month to see your financial results or worse yet never doing this analysis in the first place.

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Guest Post Catherine Juon Guest Post Catherine Juon

The Secret to Achieving More

If you’re frustrated about scaling beyond what you can personally do or wanting to take a vacation without worrying about the plant burning down while you’re gone, or simply want to leave at 3 to coach your child’s sports team? How do you build a team that shoulders the load with the same discipline and accountability that you bring to the table?

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Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher

Investor or Employee? Changing Your Mindset About Your Role in Your Business

You are a business owner. But when you arrive at the office in the morning, I’m guessing you arrive as an employee. You might be the highest ranking employee, but you’re an employee nonetheless. You have job duties and responsibilities that need to get done in order for the business to function properly. You draw a salary like everyone else. And the fact that you happen to own the company’s stock does not factor into the reality of your daily work life.

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Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher

Giving Thought To What’s Next

You may be like most business owners. Your business is your passion and hobby. Sure, you enjoy R&R. You like golf and travel, but you feel most alive at the helm of your business, not on a yacht in the islands.

But if you want to find your next act, you’re going to need to do some self examination to figure this out. If golf and travel do not sound like an enticing retirement, you will want to find something that is.

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Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher

Why You Need a Succession Plan Long Before You Plan to Exit

For the first time in months, you open up your desk and pull out your notebook with your priorities listed. Amidst a list with some items crossed off as done and others awaiting your time and effort, one stares you right in the face: “succession plan”.

Every time you consult your list you see that one and then pick something else to work on. Planning your exit is something that just never seems to reach the top of your priority list. It’s never the right time to deal with this one, so you’ve ignored it.

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Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher Tips Tricks + Strategy Craig Doescher

Market Timing: How Do You Know It's the Right Time to Sell Your Business?

When to sell is an age old question. In most cases, we can only answer this question years later with the benefit of hindsight. Trying to figure out the exact right moment to sell your company is an exercise in futility. That said, let’s discuss what we can and cannot say about market timing with the goal of landing at some practical, actionable advice.

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